What is it? Nightwatch is a 100% plant energy drink for focus & power, and made from guayusa (gwhy-you-sa). Guayusa is a super leaf that can be found in the Amazonian forests of Ecuador. What makes guayusa outshine traditional caffeinated energy drinks? The guayusa plant provides focus & power due to its high natural caffeine content–giving you extreme energy, without any highs and lows.
You may be wondering what makes Nightwatch healthier as an energy drink option. Let’s talk about it. It’s taste is flavoured by fruit and flower extracts; in other words, less sugar and a natural taste (no sugar added and no artificially processed sweeteners or additives)! The total carbohydrate content in Nightwatch is only 4,2 grams per 100 ml, which makes it a healthier, more effective option for your daily energy supply.